If you have never been to Steak and Burger Night, sponsored by Boys and Girls Club of Greater Memphis (BGCM), this is definitely an event worth trying. Each year, this organization hosts what is one of their biggest fundraising events at a different location around town. They always have a great guest speaker. For example, this year it is Rudy Gay. For dinner, all of the children from the organization and visiting children eat steaks, while all of the adults are served burgers. It gives the kids a chance to try something nicer, and they always get a kick out of it!
We are proud to say we usually provide the most servers for the event. This is an organization that many of our employees feel a connection with and jump at the chance to help.
BGCM provides after-school programs for children between the ages of 6 and 18, in five key areas: character and leadership development, education and career development, career and life skills, the arts, and sports and fitness. Each year they serve over 11,000 youth around city, providing guidance and leadership to guide these children in the direction that will help them lead fuller and successful lives. They teach children productivity and how to make wise choices. Of all the children that go through this program, 99.6% graduate from high school. 68% of those attended their Freshman year of college on scholarship. For more information on BGCM and Steak and Burger Night, visit their website.